The Starlet Blog — kris kringle gift ideas
Cat Lady Dangle Earrings | Acrylic Earrings
australian business Australian Earrings Australian Handmade australian made Australian Made Earrings buy australian made Cat Lady Earrings Christmas Presents Earrings Handmade Accessories Hard To Buy For Presents Harlem Starlet kris kringle gift ideas Kris Kringle Presents
Have you got a friend who's a crazy cat lady? We have the perfect gift for cat ladies everywhere. Harlem Starlet Cat Lady Dangle Earrings. The hottest trend this year has been the return of the mega hoop earring and we've got you covered. Hoop earrings are versatile pieces that can be added to any wardrobe, and accessorizing with these Australian made earrings will get you mega compliments! Know a cat lady who loves to accessorize? These earrings are perfect for her. Our Cat Lady acrylic earrings are bold, fun and show off your feelings for felines. These lightweight fashion earrings are...
The stakes are high... punny plant stakes now available!
co-worker gift ideas crazy plant people gifts for gardeners gifts for indoor gardeners humorous herb stakes indoor gardeners kris kringle gift ideas punny pot plant sticks
Are you like us and love plants? Maybe you've spent countless hours searching for house plants or planters, and have filled your home with an indoor garden. Well, do we have a fun plant-cessory for you! Introducing our new punny pot plant sticks - they will raise the stakes (ha ha!) of your landscape garden, indoor herb garden or terrarium and give you something to laugh at every day. These plant sticks are made from durable 3mm acrylic, so they are perfect for both indoor and outdoor plant decor. Use them in your planter boxes to remind you of what...